Congratulations on finding your potential dream home! M5 Home Inspection is ready to help you with the next step; making sure the home you're investing in is up to your standards. Your M5 inspector will look over hundreds of items in and around the house and provide the report the same day. Pool/spa and termite inspections are included at no additional cost!
3 REASONS TO SCHEDULE A BUYER INSPECTION You should schedule a buyer inspection to:
Gain insight into the property you’re purchasing
Learn about any potential issues that need to be addressed
Be confident in your offer
For homes 6000 square feet and larger, please call for pricing 602-903-4939
Price incudes termite inspection, pool and spa, and out buildings
No extra fees for age of home or mileage
Each system or component is inspected, as if we are purchasing the home personally!
Structural (crawlspaces and attics entered to perform visual inspections, where accessible)
Roofing (typically walked, some restrictions prevent access)
Exterior finishes and Components (Doors, windows, etc.)
Interior finished and Components (Doors, windows, etc.)
Plumbing (all fixtures and components tested where accessible)
Electrical (all components tested where available)
HVAC (all heating and cooling units tested, where accessible, ambient temperatures permitting)
Insulation and Moisture Barriers
Kitchen Appliances
Termite inspection by licensed third party at no additional fee
Outbuilding included at no additional fee.
General Property and Assessment for Safety Hazards, etc.
For details on Standards of Practice for Arizona Home Inspectors (Click Here) and for pools and spas (Click Here).